From waste to value


Sustainability is the core of everything we do, because our world, our staff and our clients are important, but also because a sustainable policy reduces costs for you and us.

Over the past years we have reduced our energy use spectacularly: the use of electricity has decreased by 11%, gas by 29% and water by no less than 68%. Waste separation and recycling has reduced our daily waste stream from 30 to 24 tons. The recycling of aluminum, polystyrene, tins, cardboard, plastic film and glass, among other things, is no longer an expense but makes money.

We also looked more critically at packaging and processes. Result: the total amount of waste has remained virtually stable over the past five years, despite production being 15% higher.

We believe the innovation of the recycling process is still in its infancy. We expect to achieve great progress in the near future.


We will be pleased to help you with any question.